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Exploring Another Country


December 15, 2014 by thayes

My step mom went to another country and bought a purse in this big building with flower walls. Then she went and ate some Mexican food where she met this tall man. He had a family that wanted to take some photographs. There was a chess game that had a big clock on the wall. When she sat down there was a guy name John who had big eyes. John asked her if she wanted to go to the chess team. When the game started she saw two people that where her friends named Bob and Joy. The game ended and she headed back to her house. She had to stop in Miami and Dallas coming home. My step mom bought me a book about chess and a miniature car from the foreign country. When my step mom got home I was happy to see her. I really didn’t care what she got me. The first thing I told her was that I missed her. I asked her about the trip and she told me all about it.


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